expected that you should be able to introduce yourself with a piece of
paper. Definitely get a cheap card with your email address to bring
with you if you want to make some friends in Japan. Add an illustra-
tion or even a photo of yourself, something to remember you by.
Traditional Japan is interested in your organizational affiliation, so if
you have any be sure to include it - any school, office, club, coven or
cabal should do.
Cash Machines
Cash machines throughout Tokyo readily distribute yen from foreign
accounts. The Japanese Post Office system offers ATMs that might
accept your foreign bank card, and Citibank has foreign-friendly
locations in Tokyo as well. If you can afford it, expect to walk around
with a few hundred dollars in your wallet. While it's possible to live
cheap in Japan, you might find yourself in a pinch where folks expect
you to have piles of cash to peel off. The society is still very cash-
based. Fortunately it's safe enough that you should fear losing
things more than you should fear being mugged. And even if you
lose your wallet, Japan has a built-in incentive system for returning
lost wallets; the returner gets 10% of the contents if the police can
find the owner. Mark your possessions with your address, and a
telephone number in Japan if you can, and let Japanese efficiency
and honesty protect your belongings. Many have been pleasantly
Credit Cards
Credit Cards are fantastic tools for travellers. They can help you out
in a pinch, allowing you to travel beyond your means. And if you
have a crappy day, you can treat yourself to something nice, without
having to consider any immediate cash ramifications.
Not always in Japan. A friend was in Tokyo and had to buy a last-
minute plane ticket. We found a travel agency that could handle our
request. The new ticket would cost $1500. My friend whipped out
his credit card; "Sorry, we don't take credit cards." We were flabber-
gasted. They expected us to head to our bank and walk back
through town with over a thousand dollars in cash? "Why don't you
use credit cards?" "We don't want to lose that 2 or 3 percent [fee
charged by the credit card companies]" they said.
Infrastructure -