34 - Just In Tokyo
Japan imports 80% of its energy.
old Japanese flavor, even if the ambient sounds are non-Japanese
speaking tourists and travellers. There was a nice man behind the
counter; I told him how surprised I was to be offered so many mas-
sages on the nearby streets. I think he misunderstood me; he asked
if I wanted him to call a masseuse to visit my room? Kimi Ryokan
has a fancy electric toilet on the first floor.
Business Hotels
This is how the Japanese refer to the minimal in Western accommo-
dation. A room tiny but still large enough that you can crouch next to
your luggage between the door and the full to queen-sized bed.
Often a tall American might graze the ceiling with his or her head.
Perhaps you can touch all four walls with your limbs from your bed.
Still there are some nice touches: conve-
nience, comfort, a console next to the bed,
brochures for the pay-per-view cable (these
are occasionally more explicit than Playboy
back at home).
If you try to arrange a cheap room at the
airport, this is the type of hotel they will likely
suggest. Central Tokyo room rates for a
single bed with a bathroom attached will
usually run from 7500 to 11,000 yen ($58-
$85). And they do mean single; I have been
caught trying to bring a friend up to the room
with me, and forced to rent a larger room
intended for two.
Kanda Green Hotel
A nice bamboo lined exterior walkway, this
hotel is a convenient walking distance from
Akihabara. They prevented me from bringing
a guest up to my room. The rooms them-
selves are a marvel of compression - as
small a space as you could imagine providing a human being while
still being able to stand (though if you are over six feet tall, you will
not be able to stand fully). The furnishings here are newish and it's
quite clean, which helps. Starting around 8400 yen per night ($65).
Try a Toilet!
Your hotel stay could be your
chance to try elaborate Japanese
high-technology toilets. These
toilets might have cleaning jets
for women's parts and
everyone's parts, bum drying
heated air jets, vents to suck up
foul airs, remote controls and
heated seats (the hardest thing
to give up if you return home).
Please note that these toilets can
be quite powerful; if you turn on
the water jets, there's usually a
way to turn them off, or you
should wait - don't panic and try
to leave. If you stand up while
the toilet is spraying, something
unintended could become wet.
Fortunately, if you are alone in
your hotel room you can
experiment with these features
and not have to emerge from a
restaurant bathroom with pants
soaking wet from toilet spray.