66 - Just In Tokyo
start. Check their web site: www.tokyoclassified.com, an excellent
stash of old articles, Japanese celebrity profiles, cultural curiousities.
A free monthly mag, JapanZine is a cheeky bit of insight into contem-
porary culture as reported by underbelly-crawling Gaijin visitors.
The monthly J@panInc magazine considers Japanese technology
and business issues in English.
From A.A. Gill an article entitled "Mad in Japan," Sunday Times, 9
September 2001. It's a scathing writeup of modern Japan from
someone wildly underinformed and deeply opinionated. Quite
amusing and offensive! Search the web for it; it's out there.
JapanToday.com is a good overview of recent news in Japan.
"Gaijin In Japan" online forums, filled mostly by English teachers
sharing wisdom and stories about life in Japan. There's some pretty
tasty lowbrow stuff in here.
Chanpon.org is a magazine and web community considering the mix
of Japanese and foreign cultures. If you're interested in some
intellectually stimulating contacts in Japan, you might find them in the
Chanpon message boards.
Ed Jacob's "Quirky Japan Homepage" defies stereotypes and con-
ventions. Unusual and even unsettling information about this country
jostles with genuinely helpful advice for residents and visitors.
I have written about my time in Japan and supplemented it with
photos. Long after this booklet is printed, this site should be up-
dated: www.links.net/vita/trip/japan/tokyo/guide/
Nearly all the statistics provided in this book come from the Japa-
nese Government, provided online in the Statistical Handbook of
Japan 2001: www.stat.go.jp/english/data/handbook/contents.htm
with some initial guidance on statistics provided by Jonathan Watts
of the Guardian UK.
Answers for the Katakana Kwizes: Drinks: biru (beer), kohee
(coffee), kora (cola), orenji (orange), uain (wine), miruku (milk)
- Appliances: terebi (TV), rajio (radio), pasokon (PC), rimokon
(remote control) - Countries: amerika - Random: doa (door),
kontororu (control), sabisu (service), toire (toilet)