2 - Just In Tokyo
Just In Tokyo
Garrett County Press/Links.net PDF edition 2002 (v 1.22w)
This edition is released under a Creative Commons License:
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 1.0
For more information address:
Justin Hall - justin@bud.com - www.links.net
Garrett County Press - www.gcpress.com
828 Royal St. #248
New Orleans, LA 70116
ISBN: 1-891053-50-7
Underground--Cultural Studies
Thanks to: GK Darby (gcpress.com) for all that publishing entails.
Tricia McGillis (mcgillis.com) for expert publication design advice.
Stephen Church (analyticajapan.com) for his immense Japanese
glossary and corrections. Wilson Kello (samelab.com) for iterated
cover art. The Ito family (itofisher.com) for introductions, education
and encouragement. John Nathan for context, always over breakfast
at the New Otani Hotel. Kenji Eno (fyto.com) for backgrounding weird
Tokyo. Donald Richie for expansive trailblazing and encouragement.
Mark Shreiber for subcultural insight. Ayako Ishikawa for research
support and guidance. Chris Hecker (d6.com) for office space and
tech support. The staff and denizens of the Foreign Correspondents'
Club (fccj.or.jp) for their support, resources and learned companion-
ship. Gamers.com, Justin Reid at TheFeature.com and folks reading
Links.net who helped to send me to Tokyo in the first place. Japanese
teachers: Omoto (nihongoweb.com), Chase, Shamoon, Yuasa,
Shibata, Hayashi, Yamashita, Evans, Kitao, Pinckard
(umamitsunami.com). Howard Rheingold (rheingold.com) for his
introductions, teaching me writing and cultural exploration. Colin Hall
for relentless boosterism. Joan Hall, thanks for just about everything.
This book was laid out using PageMaker 6.5 on an IBM Thinkpad X21
running Windows XP. Fonts include Gilgongo, Japan, Zeroes,
Franklin Gothic, Courier New Times New Roman and Arial.